Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Here are the top list of sites like adsense.


If you see in some blogs or websites, whenever you hover your mouse in a link, a small square box will be opened and displaying the advertisement. Basically whenever your visitors click those links, you will be rewarded. Infolinks is the most popular one of sites like adsense lists.

2. Chitika 
If your blog’s content promote products or review some products, then Chitika is a must try ad networks.
 Payment: Paypal and checks.
Minimum Payout: $10 for Paypal, $50 for checks.

3. Adbrite

To me, this is the most popular ad network after Google adsense. Adbrite allows you setting up your ads which can show up in your website.
Payout: 100$ or you can choose.

4. Clicksor. The famous ads networks on the internet. The ads that they provide, will be displayed depends on the keywords that your visitor use to find your blog or website.
Payment: Paypal.
Minimum payout: $50

5. bidvertiser
Another alternative to adsense, it allows you to specify your’s ads design, allows you control which ads you want them to display. 
Payment: Paypal and Checks.
Payout: Check, Min $25, Paypal min $10

6. Text link ads. 
It has huge amount of publishers so you will have more choices of your ads.
Payment: Paypal, Credit card, checks.
Minimum Payout: Check = $25

7. Kontera 
You may want to consider Kontera as an alternative to adsense. But personally i think their ads can be too spammy.

8. Yahoo! Publisher Network 

Almost similar to adsense, including the terms and conditions, and also not receiving every advertiser proposal, especially when you are non US citizen. However a worth try.

9. Vibrant Media 
 Almost similar to Yahoo! Publisher Network, a little bit selective to applicant’s website, but it is also alternative to adsense.

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